
czwartek, 1 grudnia 2016

Take me back to Sicily

It looks like my blog slowly turns  into a #tbt stuff only, but hey at least it's still alive.
Anyway I'm sure I'm not the only one suffering from the lack of sunlight right now. I'm convinced I was born in the wrong climate! The weather has been awful lately , so I'm trying to put a smile on my face by bringing back happy memories. Today I want to share a video that I filmed in Sicily almost 2 months ago.
 Amazing weather , beautiful views, great food, friendly people and an active volcano, what else do you need to be happy?

poniedziałek, 15 sierpnia 2016

Find light in the beautiful sea, I choose to be happy... (video)

Looks like I'm baaaack again!
Due to some radical changes in my life I have less time and energy to focus on my blog. When you finally decide living that grown up life, you realize getting enough sleep is more important than writing posts, especially when there's nothing cool around to write about.

Anyway today I'm throwing it back to this iconic:) Friday night last week.
That's when I went to Warsaw to see Rihanna live for the very first time and I must say I was blown away, yo! 
I'm so glad going alone is not a big deal for me anymore, I made some new friends while queuing. Ummm have I just mentioned the Q-word? I think I'm too old for that. It's funny how every time I queue I say exactly the same thing- it's for the last time, but then somehow I do it again. Oh well. I guess vibe right in front of the stage is much better for me than seated area.
If I didn't  hate complaining so much, I'd tell you about our Hunger Games barrier run, but ain't nobody got time for that :P  I just hope Polish Live Nation will be able to organize door opening process properly one day.

sobota, 18 czerwca 2016

The Color Run Poznań 2016 (video)

The Color Run also known as The Happiest 5k on the Planet has been finally crossed off my bucket list. It took me a while.

Now, let me explain what TCR is. It's an event created by Travis Snyder to promote healthy lifestyle and happiness. The whole idea with using colored powders (corn starch) came from the Hindu spring festival called-Holi. The first colorful run ever took place in Phoenix, Arizona in 2011.

środa, 18 maja 2016

#polishfaceawards video tutorial

It's my first tutorial ever.
Those who know me know that I'm a competitive person and I love taking part in contests. This is my entry for  Polish Face Awards organized by NYX Cosmetics Polska.

niedziela, 8 maja 2016

Not Today

It's a title of a new song from my beloved Imagine Dragons <3

"Not Today" is on the soundtrack for the upcoming movie called
"Me before you" with Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin. The trailer looks good tbh. You can check it out here.
Back to my lovely boyz, hopefully we'll get some fresh music from them soon. I know their massive Smoke & Mirrors tour just ended, but I'm already waiting for their new album.
Okay, that's it for today. I'm leaving you with my kewl pictures with the band, that were taken at ID meet & greet in Łódź, Poland back in February.

Dzisiaj post z kategorii muzycznej. "Not Today" to nowa piosenka jednego z moich ulubionych zespołów - Imagine Dragons. Powstała na potrzebę komedii romantycznej " Zanim się pojawiłeś" (ang. "Me before you"). Trailer filmu wygląda zachęcająco więc myślę, że się na niego wybiorę.

Wracając do tematu Imagine Dragons to mam nadzieję, że nie będą  nam kazali długo czekać na nowy album.Tak, wiem dopiero co skończyli ich trasę koncertową Smoke & Mirrors, ale ja już nie mogę się doczekać czym teraz nas zachwycą.
To wszystko na dzisiaj, zostawiam Was z moim ulubionym zdjęciem z chłopakami, które zostało zrobione podczas ich M&G w Łodzi.
~ J.

wtorek, 3 maja 2016

Met Gala 2016

Meropolitan Museum Of Art Costume Institute Benefit aka Met Gala is an annual fundrising event that takes place on the first Monday in May in NYC. This year's theme was "Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age Of Technology".
Pictures from the gala below.
P.S. Light colored eyebrows or even no-brows are back in the game!


Katy Perry in Prada

niedziela, 1 maja 2016

The Magical Milano

My video from Milan is reeeady! If you haven't been to the city yet, I totally recommend going there. Hopefully I'll be able to explore more Italian cities soon :)
Filmik z Mediolanu już gotowy, zapraszam do oglądania. Jeśli jeszcze nigdy nie byliście w tym przepięknym mieście to serdecznie polecam. Mam nadzieję, że uda mi się wrócić do Włoch i pozwiedzać jeszcze inne miasta:) 


środa, 27 kwietnia 2016

Lilac hair don't care

After over a year of thinking about it, I finally decided to add some color to my blonde hair. Now I have my natural shade on top and lilac on the bottom.

piątek, 15 kwietnia 2016

I left my heart in Milan (video trailer & pictures)

What a beautiful city especially right now when everything’s green and temperature hits 20°C. Mid-April is a perfect time to visit Milan. I spent there just three days, but can cross out most from the "Must see" list.
I could tell you a lot about my Italian experience, so I'll split it into a few posts.
Check out my video trailer below and a bunch of pictures from day one and two. Enjoy!
Mediolan, przepiękne włoskie miasto, gdzie moda i architektura przyprawiają o dreszcze, te pozytywne oczywiście! Najlepszy czas żeby się tam wybrać jest właśnie teraz, gdy nie jest ani za zimno i ani za gorąco. Co prawda byłam tam tylko 3 dni, ale udało mi się zwiedzić większość z polecanych miejsc. Zrobiłam dużo zdjęć, którymi z chęcią się z Wami podzielę, w tym i kolejnych postach. Pracuję też nad filmikiem z wyjazdu, który udostępnię niebawem.

Also make sure to keep an eye on my blog, because the video from Milan will be ready soon!


środa, 6 kwietnia 2016

Let's go to ... Warsaw (video)

Hey hey!

Don't you hate it when you feel creative and your laptop suddenly decides to die?! It's all fixed now though and I'm back in the game :)

Have you ever been to the country called - Poland?
If Poland is on your "Travel destination" list, you should make sure to visit Warsaw. 
I’d recommend coming in late spring or in the summer  to experience it at its finest. Otherwise everything's grey! 

Why am I writing about Warsaw today? 

wtorek, 22 marca 2016

Yellow, orange and green

Hey! Yaaaay, spring's here! I've been playing with some colors recently.
First look is one of  my favs.

It's not too complicated and you can wear it on a daily basis. All you need is yellow, orange and brown eyeshadows, the last one I use for blending and a black eyeliner.

poniedziałek, 21 marca 2016

Cause I slay, I slay, I slay okay?!

Just took this post from the drafts. I feel like it is or maybe was a quite important word in a slang world and has to be featured on my blog.

Shall I introduce you to a word SLAY? I'm sure most of you know it already...

Anyway, here’s the definition  ( creds. urban dictionary)
1) To kick ass, or to dominate.
Person 1: She looks awesome today.
Person 2: Yeah she does, slay girl. Slay.
2) Something you tell someone when they look sexy as f***
Yass boo, slay
3) Killed it. Succeeded in something amazing.
Beyonce 's new song slayed.

Crop top me & my friends made for Katy Perry's concerts, cuz duuh, girl slaaaays

New name?! New Insta?

Sometimes people ask me how do you do it? You always smile.
Well I guess I'm good at pretending. And it’s not like I  have an actual smile on my face all the time. Sometimes my resting bitch face is just too hard to control ;))   

They say Polish people complain a lot... well I must be different, because I hate it so much. 
I can't stand people who destroy you with their negativity, that's why I refuse to have pessimistic folks around me… Bitch, don’t kill my vibe!!!
I'm also an empath and  I soak up others emotions very easily. If you're sad when I'm around, so am I, if you're happy, I'm happy!

środa, 2 marca 2016

MakeUp of the day

I am not a professional mua, I just looove playing with makeup.
That's why I’ll be sharing with you  some of my favs from time to time.

Today's look : nude eye, bold eyeliner, shiny pink lips.
I didn't put any filters on my pictures, so you could see the makeup better.

poniedziałek, 29 lutego 2016

Don't just dream it!

Today I’m serving you a major throwback to august 2010. I’ve never really shared my story before. 
I remember the first time I saw this advert on my telly and straight away  I knew I had to win it and guess what… I did!
All you had to do was to show the contest committee that you’ve got a spark in you :)
My video entry was… let’s say different than the others.*Drumroll please*  I called myself the zipper gurl and like the name said – I know it’s going to sound weird -  but I used  my jacket’s zipper as the instrument and played on it  to Pirates of the Caribbean theme song. Cray cray, right? Hahah
Anyway I won the contest and went to Budapest for a few days to film Katy's new music video there. The whole journey was such a great experience that I will never ever  forget. I was able to be on the same set as Katy, see her working  in front of me, dance around for so many  hours, party with the international crew  and many more. How cool! 

Unfortunately we were not supposed to take pictures/video anything  while on the set, but here are a few pictures I’ve  found online, when the firework music video came out.

środa, 24 lutego 2016

Emojis emojis everywhere!

Did you notice the change? It's all about Facebook today.

Have you ever felt like the “thumbs up” button  was too weak to express  how much  you loved  the post or  maybe you had  to avoid pressing it, because of how very sad/depressing/ dreadful  the post was?? See… not anymore?!  FB team has just came out with the new solution.

niedziela, 21 lutego 2016

Going to concerts alone

Ohh, you’re the one going to concerts solo? Whaaaat? Why?! Are you not scared? 
Just a few questions I get every time I say I want to go to a concert on my own.
Yep, I am the one going to concerts alone and I don’t give a damn… anymore.
I used to be that person who didn’t care much about music/concerts until probably like 7 years ago. Why?

A) I never had enough money
B) Not many famous artists would have come/got invited  to Poland in the past
C) I was too young and my parents wouldn’t  let me go abroad for concerts

But.. everything has changed and now I would rather not go out on a Friday evening  and spend all my money on a concert instead.
 Last year I was fortunate enough to spent 8 months in the UK and went to a few shows. Not every time  I had someone to go with.
The first time was in Liverpool, where I went  for Vevo Halloween. I remember feeling awkward at the beginning, but not for too long. An hour had passed and I met a girl who was in exactly same situation as I was. Our friends cancelled on us very last minute and we couldn’t give up the chance to see our favs.
What a great night that was! Awesome vibes and  I got to see James Bay, Nothing but Thieves and Years& Years and a few more.

czwartek, 7 stycznia 2016

Me Tinder and I

Everyone know or have heard about the “dating” app called Tinder I know you know it, yes you!
Well the very first time I saw the swipe left, swipe right app  was in the Vogue article about famous people who were actually using it on a daily basis. I laughed at it and that was it.

Then a few months later I met up with a group of my friends for a lovely catch up session. I remember one of them saying "ohhh it’s a match" out of nowhere  and  I was like saaay whaaaaaat?
5 minutes later and I knew what was the hype all about.
Download the free app, connect your profile to Facebook, choose pictures, write a few words about yourself and that’s it, all set. Now just swipe left, swipe right ,so easy and who knows maybe you can find a perfect match just like in the movies :)

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Heeeeeey you! 
After almost 2 years break I'm back... We'll see how long for this time.
I just have a few post ideas in my head that I want to share and this may be the best place to do that.
Twitter has limits, too tmi for FB and IG is just not the same.
From now on I'll write mostly in English, will try to include the Polish version underneath, but it  may not always be available.
 ~ Jo